Jennifer Lawrence Wins Best Actress Oscar, Falls on Stage | 2013
Winning an Oscar for Best Actress is beyond doubt the biggest moment of her career. But Jennifer Lawrence was left flustered after tripping up the steps on her way to accept her awards. As she staggered to her feet the star-studded audience leapt up to give the blushing actress a standing ovation, much to her embarrassment.
Oh no! Jennifer Lawrence falls to the floor after tripping on her floorlength gown as she climbed the stairs to accept her Best Actress Oscar in Hollywood on Sunday night. 'Thank you so much,' she told them. 'This is nuts. You guys are only standing up because I fell and you feel bad. That was embarrassing.' Jennifer also thanked her co-stars, crew and team for their support before wishing her fellow nominee, Amour star Emmanuelle Riva a happy 86th birthday.